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Seal of the City and County of Honolulu
Honolulu City Council

Honolulu Records Collection

BILL019(24), FD1, CD2

Ordinance 25-5
Tabbed View
Measure Title:
Date Introduced:
Mar 15, 2024
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bill Status

Voting Legend: * = Aye w/Reservations
Date Type Description
03/15/2024 INTRO Introduced. 1710552660000
03/25/2024 CCL Amended to handcarried FD1.OCS2024-0275/3/21/2024 4:13 PM9 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO, SAY, TULBA, TUPOLA, WATERS, WEYER 1711415400000
03/25/2024 CCL Passed first reading.9 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO, SAY*, TULBA, TUPOLA, WATERS, WEYER* 1711415460000
04/03/2024 ZON Postponed to a date and time to be determined by the Committee Chair. 4 AYES: CORDERO, KIAʻĀINA, SAY, WEYER 1 ABSENT: DOS SANTOS-TAM 1712167380000
06/26/2024 HSH Reported out for passage on second reading and scheduling of a public hearing as amended in CD1 form.CR-2094 AYES: DOS SANTOS-TAM, OKIMOTO, TULBA, WEYER 1 ABSENT: KIAʻĀINA 1719454680000
06/28/2024 PUBLISH Public hearing notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 1719606840000
07/10/2024 CCL/PH Committee report adopted. Bill passed second reading as amended, public hearing closed and referred to committee.8 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO, SAY, TULBA, WATERS, WEYER 1 ABSENT: TUPOLA 1720635600000
07/19/2024 PUBLISH Second reading notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 1721415660000
01/02/2025 Councilmember Nishimoto took office on January 2, 2025. 1735858200000
01/03/2025 CC-4(25) - Bill re-referred from Housing, Sustainability and Health to Housing, Sustainability, Economy & Health Committee. 1735938960000
01/14/2025 HSEH Reported out for passage on third reading as amended in CD2 form.CR-4(25)4 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, TULBA, WEYER 1 ABSENT: TUPOLA 1736895600000
01/29/2025 CCL Committee report adopted and Bill passed third reading as amended.9 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, NISHIMOTO, OKIMOTO, TULBA, TUPOLA, WATERS, WEYER 1738177020000
02/03/2025 MAYOR Transmitted to Mayor for his approval or otherwise.Deadline for Mayor to return Bill is 02/18/25. 1738616880000
02/12/2025 MAYOR Returned approved. 1739387760000
02/19/2025 PUBLISH Final reading notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 1740015240000

Related Communications

CC-004(25) - WATERS - List of Assignments for Items Pending Before the Council, effective January 3, 2025. CCM 01/03/2025
CC-156(24) - SAY - Referral Appeal Form for Bill 19(2024), FD1 from Zoning to Housing, Sustainability and Health. FILE. 05/17/2024
MM-029(25) - MAYOR BLANGIARDI - Approved Bills. CCM. 02/12/2025
MM-111(24) - HOUSING - Support for Bill 19, FD1 — Relating to the Establishment of a Resident Preference in City Housing Programs. 06/26/2024
MM-122(24) - HOUSING - Support for Bill 19, FD1, CD1 - Relating to the Establishment of a Resident Preference in City Housing Programs. 07/09/2024
M-0111(24) - Testimony on BILL019(24) for Mar 25, 2024 @ 10:00 AM COUNCIL Meeting. 03/25/2024
M-0150(24) - Testimony on BILL019(24) for Apr 3, 2024 @ 09:00 AM ZONING (ZON) Meeting. 04/03/2024
M-0310(24) - Testimony on BILL019(24) for Jul 10, 2024 @ 10:00 AM COUNCIL Meeting. 07/08/2024