BILL006(23), CD2, FD1
Ordinance 23-29- Measure Title:
- Date Introduced:
- Feb 16, 2023
- Introduced By:
- TOMMY WATERS - By Request
- Committee:
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bill Status
Voting Legend: * = Aye w/ReservationsDate | Type | Description | |
02/16/2023 | INTRO | Introduced. | 1676599260000 |
02/22/2023 | CCL | Passed first reading.9 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO, SAY, TULBA, TUPOLA, WATERS, WEYER | 1677122160000 |
04/05/2023 | ZON | Amended to CD1 and postponed.See: Proposed draft version (OCS2023-0211/3/17/2023 11:31 AM)5 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, SAY, WEYER | 1680740880000 |
06/21/2023 | ZON | Postponed.4 AYES: DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, SAY, WEYER 1 ABSENT: CORDERO | 1687396020000 |
07/26/2023 | ZON | Reported out for passage on second reading and scheduling of a public hearing as amended in CD1 form.CR-2083 AYES: CORDERO, SAY, WEYER 1 NO: KIAʻĀINA 1 ABSENT: DOS SANTOS-TAM | 1690424700000 |
07/28/2023 | PUBLISH | Public hearing notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. | 1690575480000 |
08/09/2023 | CCL/PH | Posted FD1 (OCS2023-0716/8/2/2023 2:34 PM) not consideredCommittee report adopted. Bill passed second reading as amended, public hearing closed and referred to committee.6 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, OKIMOTO, SAY, TULBA*, WATERS 2 NOES: KIAʻĀINA, TUPOLA 1 ABSENT: WEYER | 1691610540000 |
08/16/2023 | PUBLISH | Second reading notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. | 1692208020000 |
10/18/2023 | ZON | Reported out for passage on third reading as amended in CD2 form.CR-2914 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, SAY, WEYER 1 NO: KIAʻĀINA | 1697655600000 |
11/01/2023 | CCL | Amend to handcarried FD1 OCS2023-0997/10/30/2023 11:14 AM - failed3 AYES: KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO*, WEYER 6 NOES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, SAY, TULBA, TUPOLA, WATERS | 1698889620000 |
11/01/2023 | CCL | Amended to handcarried FD1.OCS2023-0998/10/30/2023 3:23 PM6 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA, OKIMOTO*, WATERS*, WEYER 3 NOES: SAY, TULBA, TUPOLA | 1698889740000 |
11/01/2023 | CCL | Committee report adopted and Bill passed third reading.9 AYES: CORDERO, DOS SANTOS-TAM, KIAʻĀINA*, OKIMOTO*, SAY*, TULBA*, TUPOLA*, WATERS, WEYER | 1698890400000 |
11/03/2023 | MAYOR | Transmitted to Mayor for his approval or otherwise.Deadline for Mayor to return Bill is 11/20/23. | 1699042920000 |
11/20/2023 | MAYOR | Returned approved. | 1700522100000 |
11/27/2023 | PUBLISH | Final reading notice published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. | 1701129180000 |
Committee Reports
- 022223 Council Minutes - ADOPTED 03/15/23
- 040523 Committee on Zoning Written Summary for Video Record
- 062123 Committee on Zoning Written Summary for Video Record
- 072623 Committee on Zoning Written Summary for Video Record
- 080923 Council Minutes - ADOPTED 09/06/23
- 101823 Committee on Zoning Written Summary for Video Record
- 110123 Council Minutes - ADOPTED 12/06/23
Approved Versions
Proposed Drafts
- BILL006(23), PROPOSED CD1 - CS1
- BILL006(23), PROPOSED CD1 - EK1
- BILL006(23), PROPOSED CD1 - CS2
- BILL006(23), CD1, PROPOSED FD1 - ATUP1
- BILL006(23), PROPOSED CD2 - EK1
- BILL006(23), PROPOSED CD2 - CS1
- BILL006(23), CD2, PROPOSED FD1 - EK1
- BILL006(23), CD2, PROPOSED FD1 - EK2
Related Communications
CC-014(25) - DOS SANTOS-TAM - Requesting a response to questions regarding the implementation of Bill 6 (2023)/Ordinance 23-29. ZON CCM. | 01/21/2025 |
D-0105(23) - PLANNING AND PERMITTING - Draft Bill for an Ordinance Relating to Alternative Plan Reviews. | 02/16/2023 |
MM-218(23) - OFFICE OF HOUSING - Housing Plan. BUD CCM | 10/10/2023 |
M-0072(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Feb 22, 2023 @ 10:00 AM COUNCIL Meeting. | 02/21/2023 |
M-0151(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Apr 5, 2023 @ 09:00 AM ZONING (ZON) Meeting. | 04/05/2023 |
M-0332(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Jun 21, 2023 @ 09:00 AM ZONING (ZON) Meeting. | 06/21/2023 |
M-0396(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Jul 26, 2023 @ 09:00 AM ZONING (ZON) Meeting. | 07/26/2023 |
M-0439(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Aug 9, 2023 @ 10:00 AM COUNCIL Meeting. | 08/09/2023 |
M-0557(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Oct 18, 2023 @ 09:00 AM ZONING (ZON) Meeting. | 10/18/2023 |
M-0586(23) - Testimony on BILL006(23) for Nov 1, 2023 @ 10:00 AM COUNCIL Meeting. | 11/01/2023 |